Wednesday, June 17, 2009

slave to the name

This is an interesting topic that i myself find hard to figure out. What is being black? What is being white for that matter? Well since i am afrikan-in-amerikkkan (lol) i cant speak on the latter. Race is a social construct fabricated in Amerikkka for the sake of classification. I am no anthropologist but i dont recall any history class any other time or place besides Amerikkka where race was coined.

With regards to people of color we come from various ethnicities that it is hard to categorize into one thing(although many try). When we say "black people" what do we refer to? Is it the skin color or ethnicity? In Amerikkka the term "black" , "white" often refers to skin color in conjunction with culture. It is a falsity however because we have different backgrounds and the culture itself is tedious to define. I believe race is constructed to validate slavery and has yet to be properly addressed in this society.

I dislike using the term "black" when describing "my people" but what else do I use? Even "afrikan-amerikan" seems skewed when labeling a certain group of people. We come from all over the globe but i guess "afrikan-amerikkkan" closely relates to our people when defining us. Help me out here people it is a deep subject that needs to be explored and questioned thoroughly. Maybe it aint that serious to u BUT IT SHOULD BE....yo check out this article about race:


  1. Nice one pumpkin

  2. I Agree w/ the Spirit of What Youre Sayin;
    ...being Black iz an experience az intricate az....being human. There arent enough wordz to describe what it'z like to be Black amerikkka.

    When I uze the term Black, It referz to a shared awareness of what'z actually happening in the world....or, at least, this country; It meanz strength in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Plus, ...the way It soundz when racists attempt to utter It ...iz hilarious.

    However, .......This iz definitely a serious topic.

    ...Im about to read the article
