Boondocks is a cartoon created by Aaron McGruder. It is a social satire of American culture and black people in general. I am sure most of my readers have at least heard about the show. If not check it out on adult swim @ Cartoon Network.
I absolutely love the shows. It is funny as hell and it has a message. I hope Mr. McGruder continues to put more shows out in the future. I know that some people dont like to show for whatever reason. I've heard some don't like it cuz it uses the word "nigga" a lot. But damn people I bet most of u use it daily so don't gimme that mess. I feel the show conveys what I feel about black pop culture and Amerikkkan culture. I want to congratulate all who have a part in making the show what it is today-a masterpiece of social importance.
It is hard to talk about social issues today especially black people issue cuz everything is so tactful. Yes you should be but damn if the shoe it lol. nah but seriously Boondocks tell it like it is; shyt the truth hurts. It is not like it is totally inaccurate with some of the things they talk about(see below):
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