Tuesday, July 14, 2009

stop snitchin...??

I heard this one guy tell me one day that snitches get stitches. There has been a ideology circulating around urbanites that if you inform the authorities of a crime or potential illegal activity then ur a snitch. The consequences of this act can be detrimental to ur health(i.e. u would more than likely be killed). This has caused fear in the "hood" and sometimes surrounding surbibia. It is a casading effect ppl dont voice out their concerns of crimes for fear of losing life thus it perpetuates or at least fails in itz attempt to curtail licentious acts.

It has been ingrained in our society for years not just in the "hood". Growing up I was always told not to tattle-tell(snitch) when something I would consider wrong. That mentality has now been played out in the arena of adulthood. Dude ppl are merchandising "stop snitching" T-shirts!!!

Being around the projects most of my life I have seen my share of crime but I learned at an early age the code of the streets. One of those so-called codes is not to snitch. This has lead me to develop a nonchalant attitude towards violence as a whole. I cringe when it occurs but I see it as not my place to get caught up in things that doesn't concern me. I know this is contradictory in a sense because my community should concern me and everyone else. It has been years of conditioning that has lead me to this state of mind. I guess the question is would u call the proper authorities if you witnessed a crime? I extricate myself from situations like that by trying to come at it from another angle like education or prevention rather than intervention if you will. It is a tough decision to make.

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