Wednesday, March 31, 2010

wtf? part deux

I was "working" and causally came across I rarely watch the idiot box therefore CNN is one of my few sources for information around the world. I was reading different articles and came across one about a new rape video game. Yes i said RAPE??!! It is available via internet or u have to go to Japan. The game is called "RapeLay" the theme seems to revolve around revenge blah blah blah!! I had to speak on this b/c i am a self-proclaimed addict of video games. When i die i want my Xbox to be cremated with me(LOL)!! no seriously though i am a proponent of the 1st amendment i relish in the freedoms of expression(a la my blogs) but where is the cut-off point? There are contradictory points in the argument the main one being whas the difference b/w one type of violence and another. Most video games have some form of violence mostly killing and not sayin that itz okay(morally speaking) but that has been a mainstay for themes of video games since itz inception. Now they want you to rape young gurls in the game for revenge??? Doesnt sound all that interesting to me. In the video games i play violence is a necessary evil..if you wanna survive heads gonna roll(literally) so das dat but i am trying to fathom how i would feel about raping a gurl(on the game of course). I feel you... itz distasteful for sure.

On a side but still relevant note I dont condone any form of violence period. That does not mean i will not use it if necessary. That is extreme cases but rape is another level. It is not only degrading it is sexist, power-crazed madness inflicted upon the victims which are mostly female. "This is a man's world.." so why take anything away from the people that birth nations? I dont know it just seems strange how far ppl will go for a buck....

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