Wednesday, March 31, 2010

wtf? part deux

I was "working" and causally came across I rarely watch the idiot box therefore CNN is one of my few sources for information around the world. I was reading different articles and came across one about a new rape video game. Yes i said RAPE??!! It is available via internet or u have to go to Japan. The game is called "RapeLay" the theme seems to revolve around revenge blah blah blah!! I had to speak on this b/c i am a self-proclaimed addict of video games. When i die i want my Xbox to be cremated with me(LOL)!! no seriously though i am a proponent of the 1st amendment i relish in the freedoms of expression(a la my blogs) but where is the cut-off point? There are contradictory points in the argument the main one being whas the difference b/w one type of violence and another. Most video games have some form of violence mostly killing and not sayin that itz okay(morally speaking) but that has been a mainstay for themes of video games since itz inception. Now they want you to rape young gurls in the game for revenge??? Doesnt sound all that interesting to me. In the video games i play violence is a necessary evil..if you wanna survive heads gonna roll(literally) so das dat but i am trying to fathom how i would feel about raping a gurl(on the game of course). I feel you... itz distasteful for sure.

On a side but still relevant note I dont condone any form of violence period. That does not mean i will not use it if necessary. That is extreme cases but rape is another level. It is not only degrading it is sexist, power-crazed madness inflicted upon the victims which are mostly female. "This is a man's world.." so why take anything away from the people that birth nations? I dont know it just seems strange how far ppl will go for a buck....

Monday, March 22, 2010

Marital miss?

first comes love then comes marriage then a baby in a carriage. I think das a song or statement,adage whatever u wanna call it. Within the past couple of years i have witnessed two good buddies of mine get married and now one is having twins and one(or should i say two) are pregnant. Ahh the joys of life!! I guess itz seems strange to me now since i have kinda put love on hold(or shun it somewhat). I dont really envy them; i am happy that they found someone to share their lives and start a family. Both couples are good men and women and seem to be happy. I was curious though whas the point of marriage anyway? I asked my dad (his been married to my stepmom for over 15 yrs now) and he summed it up as companionship. All couples go through a lot and relationships are analogous to ur favorite roller coaster ride. Love comes and goes and many couples dont last in marriage. I know that shouldnt deter u from gettin married i am just tryin to figure out the difference from a long-term relationship and marriage. Does one require more commitment than the other? I know there are legal-binding obligations when u get hitched so y bother?

I get asked all the time " why arent u married?" My general responses are either "IDK" or "It isnt my time"(a.k.a. havent found someone who can put up with me lol). I have also had a couple of instances where married women have flirted with me suggesting that i can give them what their husbands cant? Look ma, i'm not here to play house and i damn sure aint tryin to get caught in a love triangle or quadrangle been there done that not tryin to go back...!

Love is what u make it marriage is how u create it God will not forsake it if itz with His blessing. I am not sure if or when i will get hitched and trust i am n NOOO RUSHH(vroom!!!) Before u walk to that aisle weigh everything out first and only do it for the right reasons. What are those reasons hell idk das relative u will know when itz time. Marriage itself is a commitment putting aside the relationship aspect so think b4 u act on "love", etc cuz it takes more than couples liking TV series together or liking the same thing to make it last...shout out to all my married couples and those workin it out in any relationship thru the good and bad!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

fateful evening

This has been heavy on my mind since last night. Early that day i saw someone near to my heart though we dont talk and pretty much have moved on. I was somewhat speechless and angry and nervous at the same time. I dont know why God wanted me to see her again. She broke my heart severely and i havent seen her in months. We briefly chatted cuz i really am not able to have a long conversation with her for me there still is too much emotion. Then when i got home another gurl that i was(am) close to is getting married. Suffice to say it was a double-whammy for me. I cram to understand it all and I wanted to share with all of you my feelings.

I am the nonchalant type of guy; not many things overly move me. I have ups and downs however and i try to cope(occasionally negatively). I got 99 problems and chics are just one! Funny how both instances happened one right after the other. Now more than ever i try to heed the signs and figure out the message. I dont know what it means but it cut me deep last night. I shouldnt be disturbed by this because i am with neither female but i realize my curse is fated to love them forever. I know that sounds sappy but tis true. Hopefully i will learn from all of this.

Monday, March 1, 2010

desparate times call for....ethical measures??

Whaddup folks how yall been? Yeah this is sungod from the dirty dirty(cant u tell lol). Recently i have been pondering over this particular topic and this past wkends catastrophe in Chile has prompted me to convey my thoughts. We all know what happened in Haiti a few months ago. It was disheartening not only because of the devastation but from some residents(really gangs and itz affiliates) were looting and basically causing civil unrest in a country that is already on the brink of destruction. This has apparently also occurred in Chile were there have been reports of looting.

I (praise ALLAH) have yet to be in a situation where anything goes to survive. I am on the outside looking in yet i feel i have the right to speak on it at least. I empathize with all who are victims of circumstance specifically ones due to natural disasters. I know that resources are scarce at best and aid trickles in at the speed of a lazy snail but that doesnt warrant stealing and/or monopolizing resources. Many are already in a state of despair and to cause unrest and thievery is simply unjust and a cause for concern. It happens all the time when pandemonium occurs. During the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina ppl know of the horror stories that happened in the Superdome. Women were raped, ppl robbed and security forces supposedly assisting the masses barricaded themselves in a room?! wtf??!!!

I know ppl will ask the question if my daughter needed medicine and the only way to get it whas to steal it would I? Hell yeah but the point is I would hope that I would try to exhaust all possibilities before taking that route. I dont know what goes through ppls minds when during extreme stress but morals if practical should be applied at all times. Kats in Chile stealing TVs wtf u gonna do with that when there's no electricity?! Things like dat where items stolen offer no immediate help to u or anyone else is what i am upset about mostly. It aint even the fact that looting is goin on per se cuz i can see how ppl need help but think before u act. Ur consequences affect a lot of ppl not just u.