Sunday, August 16, 2009

soul food: gift and a curse

itz about 7pm in the evening on a Sunday. For the most ppl ur bellys are now full and ur waiting to exhale(loosen ur belt and breathe) from partaking in some good ol' soul food. Now you don't necessarily have to be black to consume soul food but i think it would be hard for non-blacks to concoct such traditional recipes without some intervention from a sistah or brutha. I'm no history major but i do know that 90% of blacks originated from the south back in the dayz thus i can safely assume that soul food also came from the south(souf).

Soul food is a cornucopia of ingredients, spices, and a little innovation to say the least. Soul food has been a stable for black family for generations. It builds comadarie; for families to grow together. The food a lot of time consists of ham, bread, greens, pork, chicken and other less than healthy grub. My concern is the ever-increasing obesity level in Amerikkka esp. black ppl and more specifically my sistahs.

I aint saying soul food as a lot to do with it cuz there are many factors that are subjective like diet, exercise, attitude, etc. but it definitely perpetuates it. The reason I am saying this is because we as blacks need to step our game up. We need to be more health-conscience;shedding the old traditional means of cooking or seasoning. You can still eat fried chicken but you don't have to cooking it in lard use canola oil or something less fattening.

Soul food is wonderful and a mainstay in black culture but the time to change is now! Concentrate on curtailing some items on the menu by using healthier alternatives. Black ppl already got health issues like hypertension and FEMA so why augment the problem when u can help diminish it?

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